Super Mario Galaxy Wiki
Grand Star Picture

The artwork of a Grand Star

Grand Stars are special stars. They are only collected from certain stages and is usually collected from Bowser or Bowser Jr.'s minions. They are bigger than regular stars and have "ball-point ends". Compared to their smaller brethren, Grand Stars have a different, grander tune that plays when they are grabbed.

Super Mario Galaxy[]

Grand Stars make their debut in Super Mario Galaxy. They change the color of the core in the Comet Observatory and almost always unlock a new dome. There is a total of 7 grand stars in this game. Their theme is in B Major, running at 60 beats per minute. When revealed, Grand Stars gently float down to their destination and often have a heavenly tune, though in Bowser Jr.'s reactors, they have the same tune that plays when a normal Power Star is revealed. The last one, in Bowser's Galaxy Reactor, has a grander tune that is remixed from the opening theme. It also spirals down to the reactor, since Mario remains there after Bowser is sent flying to his doom.

Super Mario Galaxy 2[]

Grand Stars make their second appearance in Super Mario Galaxy 2. Their purpose is to open new worlds. Just like in the first game, Mario collects Grand Stars from the boss galaxies. Grand Stars have their tune changed to Bb major. Grand Stars have the same heavenly tune that plays when revealed in Bowser's galaxies, and in Bowser's Galaxy Generator, the theme played when the final Grand Star is revealed is a remix of the Peach's Castle theme in Super Mario 64. Unlike in their original appearance, the Grand Stars's number is cut down to six, as Grand Stars do not appear in the final world.


  • In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Grand Stars make an appearance when Rosalina uses her Final Smash, where they grow steadily before they explode, dealing damage to their victim.